Elena Michelle
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Elena Michelle

Occupation:  Actor and 5th Grade Student

Los Angeles Based.  Available for jobs in Southern California.

Height:  4' 7"

Weight:  56 lbs.

Eye Color:  Blue

Hair:  Blond

Special Skills:  Violin, and in-line and ice skating.

Personality:  Angelic


My personal goal is to be the best i can be.  I enjoy self-expression through visual art, dance, music, and theater.  I'm young, but I have huge dreams.  My plan is to be a successful actor.  I'm on my way.  You can either watch me or help me along. Everyone needs fans and friends.


Elena Michelle
Los Angeles

For privacy reasons I cannot give out my personal e-mail and I cannot personally respond to any e-mail that is addressed to me.  If you want to reach me about possible representation, modeling, or acting jobs you can contact an adult through the e-mail link below.  


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